New Driver Programme

free driving test routes

Can you get free driving test routes?

Yes … you can get free driving test routes, they were published by the DVSA in a printed format.

Can I get them on a SatNav device?

Yes, you can get driving test routes on a SatNav device and they are available on TomToms, iPhones, Android devices and more.

Free Driving test Routes

Are they FREE?

If you want to follow them on a digital format, they are not free but they are on offer at the moment.

Where do I get the digital version?

You can order yours here, select your local Driving Test Centre, then select your device and start practising:

Can I get support?

Of course, just send us an enquiry here

Will driving test routes help me pass?

One of the best learner driver tips in 2018 to pass your practical driving test is to get familiar with your local driving test routes, drive them as often as possible during your lessons with your instructor and when practising with friends or family before taking the test.

Where do I get the FREE driving test routes?

There are a few websites that have published written driving test routes:

You can also watch them on YouTube:

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